I now have four finals under my belt. Two on Tuesday and two today. Any energy remaining in my system has been channelled into catching up on Runner's World and writing a little. I just need to get through the Mets game tomorrow night. A warm, late-spring night at Shea ain't nothing to complain about, but because of the energy I usually exert rooting for my favorite baldplayers, I should probably take a nap tomorrow.
Speaking of my favorite leisure time (um, what's that?) activity, I spend the vast majority of my drive time between February and October listening to WFAN-NY 660AM. Aside from the black hole left by nappygate, the station is entirely sports talk. If you've ever encountered a New York sports fan, you probably noticed that, while very knowledgeable of the subject, his speech was filled with mania coupled with the occasional droning. WFAN hosts do not disappoint. Their personalities and styles are what make the station among the most listened to by men 18-54 years of age. Credit to Toastedjoe for creating a game in response to the loveable talking heads that involves everyone's favorite activity - drinking:
"The rules are simple. During any WFAN broadcast, take a drink whenever any of the following events take place:
1. Every time Joe Beningo says "ohhh, the pain!"
2. Every time Steve Sommers uses a Yiddish word.
3. Every time Mike Francesa repeats himself over the course of a show (warning: may result in alcohol poisoning)
4. Every time a Yankee fan caller says the word "Jee-tuh."
5. Every time you laugh at the mental image of Mike and Dog "goin' at it as hard as they can!" (actual line from their theme song)
6. Every time Beningo says "...when of COUUUURSE..."
7. Every time you hear the words "first time, long time."
8. Every time Doggie says "If that happens....I'll live wit' it. I'll live wit' it."
9. Every time Francesa cuts off a stupid caller by saying "You're gone...goodbye. Goodbye."
10. Every time Doggie cackles.
11. Every time Beningo says "...and you just KNOW" something bad will happen to the Mets, Jets, Rangers, or Knicks.
12. Every time Richard Neer asks himself a question and gives a wishy-washy answer ("Will Pedro's injury hurt the Mets in the long run? I don't know.")
13. Every time Doggie says "waaaaaaaaw!!"
14. Every time Mike and Dog read a Steinbrenner "missive."
15. Every time Sweeney Murti calls in and kisses some Yankee ass.
16. Every time Mike and/or Dog bash Mets management.
17. Every time Doggie's basis for an argument is "that's all there is to it." (e.g., "Coughlin's gotta kick the field goal there, that's all there is to it.")
18. Every time Beningo mentions Scott Kazmir.
Happy drinkin'!"
Each morning I lend an ear to whomever is replacing the nationally syndicated Imus spot for the day. This morning's attempt to give a chance to the garden-variety talker yielded the following brief exchange between the radio and myself, followed by an immediate changing of the dial:
Radio announcer: You're listening to Geraldo Rivera on SportsRadio66 WFAN New York.
Me: Noo I'm not. Don Imus must be rolling in his grave.
The studios are in Astoria, Queens. I should get there at six each morning, do a four hour show, and head to school. I've got to be less maddening than Geraldo and I definitely would command a smaller salary. Get at me, (station manager) Chernoff.
End FAN talk.
I don't know what I want to do when I grew up. I had it figured out so much better when I looked like this. Kudos to Cousin Dylan for being awesome and now cancer-free.
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