Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm(us) coming back!

Many uncomfirmed reports have gotten more and more detailed lately about the return of the wildly popular and tragically cut short "Imus in the Morning" program. One in the Daily News this morning that I can't seem to find online said that some I-People were in WABC's studios last week to check on logistics.

As many of you know, I spent every morning drive until this past April chuckling at the political and social musings of J. Donald Imus and his crew. I'm sure if you were to survey most young people on the street, the only thing they've ever heard about him is Nappygate. While I agree with the notion that he deserved some sort of punishment for that (the original two-week suspension that CBS handed down, for example), he doesn't get enough attention for the autism awareness he's raised in Congress - bet you didn't know that one in 167 newborns is diagnosed with it, huh? Or his charity ranch for kids with cancer. Or even his endorsement of Harold Ford, Jr. (a black man) for the U.S. Senate just last November. When the advertisers ran, CBS and NBC didn't take into consideration the full thirty-year body of work before they wussed out. Now they'll get their comeuppance in December when ABC kicks their behinds in ad revenue. The new and improved Imus in the Morning radio program will once again be a must-listen.

::pushes the soapbox back under his bed::

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