Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And Stay Out

For those of you select few mouthbreeding morons who followed through on your promise to leave this great country in 2004 and are now threatening to return if Senator Obama is elected, just do the rest of us a favor and stay put.

This land doesn't need fair-weather citizens. Fair enough if you were one of the tens of millions of people that were outraged by the occurrence of Double Dubya, but that doesn't nearly constitute grounds for betraying your country. Your move was the maturity equivalent of storming out on your parents after years of love and care because they fell on hard times for a little while. How do you think they would feel if you returned once times were good again? Stay in Canada, England or Zimbabwe.

You see, one of the countless great things we have in this country is the frequent election. Although Bush was given a second chance, it quickly drowned in the floods of Katrina, got buried in the fallout from Harriet Miers and was bombed by the failings of the war in Iraq. Enter the midterm elections of November 2006, and the American people rightfully took the Congress away from him. He hasn't gotten what he's wanted as often since. See? If you waited two years, you would have watched a lame duck fall further into irrelevance right before your very eyes. Bottom line: You woulda lived.

I mentioned Zimbabwe earlier in this post with sarcasm. However, their sad truth of running an opposition candidate who the populace clearly wanted, then threatening voters to vote for Mugabe or die is something we have never seen in this country. THOSE could be considered grounds for abandoning ship.

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