Every once in a while a person comes along who captures my intrigue and amusement. Why Tim Russert? Let me sum it up for you: If you go into his Sunday morning kingdom, touting your impressive record of integrity upon which the American populace can hang their hats, he will point to the screen and up will pop the quote, "Yes, Mommy, I finished all my homework," when in fact, mere moments after your bold statement fifty years ago, your mother pointed to the undone question #4 of your second grade math homework.
The Road to the White House contains a one hour red stoplight at Nebraska Avenue NW in the Washington Bureau of NBC News. Flip-flop or contradict yourself in front of Angry Timmy, and you couldn't get elected dog catcher of your hometown. Refuse to appear on Meet the Press, and anybody who's anybody will bristle at your cowardice.
Why wait until now to dedicate this post to His Adamance, when I've been watching his show ever since the infamous interview that put him on the map: "Rabbi Christ, you poured wine into this cup, and moments later, without pouring anything out or anything else in, the exact same cup was said to contain blood. How do you explain that?" The reason for this tribute, my friends, is given in the opening moments of Democratic Debate XX on MSNBC this past Tuesday night in Ohio, as pretty boy Brian Williams introduced his moderating partner. The very next face on camera was the crazed glare of a fat man whose pork chop was just stolen and who had just been spat at in the face by the miserable thief (see the top of this post). SMILE, for crying out loud, Timmy! Or at least give a curt nod. Hillary didn't even lie to your face yet! I came close to wetting my pants in the midst of my laughter at this display.
The Buffalo, NY native's ensuing performance was excellent. Refusing to change the topic about public financing in a McCain-Obama matchup, he basically got Barack to admit he might break his own word. Pressing Senator Clinton about why she hasn't released the records of her activity as First Lady - to shed some light on her "35 years of experience" - led her to sound foolish as she blurted, "Well I'm a little busy right now!"
His coup de grace of the night, however, came during a follow-up question about Iraq, before which both candidates said upon taking office they would begin withdrawing troops immediately and then keep behind residual forces to maintain peace. In a hypothetical situation as the voice of the Iraqi government, he portrayed that nation's leaders expressing dismay at our rapid withdrawal yet willingness to keep some men behind by raging, "No! Get out! Get. Out. Now." I promptly hid under the covers.
Getting back to my point about his interviews with candidates. In mine and a good friend of mine's opinions, Ron Paul's campaign truly ended on December 23, 2007 solely at the hands of Mr. Russert. Backing Mr. Paul into a corner about the difference between his earmarking philosophy and non-corresponding actions, he, as he is wont to do, made the Republican Congressman from Texas sound like a babbling Alzheimer's patient. See for yourself in the video below, from 6:17 to 8:55
If it's Sunday, it's Meet Your Death. Go Bills!
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