Thursday, February 28, 2008

Rando Thoughts

  1. I should marry an Italian girl. They all have big families and I would never go hungry. I realized this today as Sal and his wife at Pugsley's (pizza place by my school) kept putting food in front of me as I was filling out a $200 order for Beta Alpha Psi.
  2. If you insist on referring to Senator Obama as Barack Hussein Obama because "that's his full name," then please refer to his opponents as Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton, John Sidney McCain III, and Michael Dale Huckabee. Until then, most people will think of you as an inane racist and Islamophobe. And before you say, "Well what about William Jefferson Clinton, Richard Millhouse Nixon, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt," please keep in mind that these men all referred to themselves as those names from time time.
  3. I'm very much addicted to the Sopranos.
  4. Winter just needs to kill itself. I hate running in tights and with a hat on.
  5. Maureen Dowd wrote in this past Sunday's New York Times, "When historians trace how her inevitability dissolved, they will surely note this paradox: The first serious female candidate for president was rejected by voters drawn to the more feminine management style of her rival."
  6. My Mom just bought some really delicious tea from Teavana last week. Sometimes I chew on the leaves.

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